Technical limitations of satellite and regulations in stopping methane.

Don’t use satellites and regulations as delay tactics Way back when I lived on a farm in Wise County Texas watching fracking pioneer George Mitchell experiment with combining horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing to produce oil and gas from shale, I noticed horrible smells coming from the drilling/fracking sites. I complained about the emissions and…

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Gen Z: Our future is not in our own hands

Written by Jack McDonald When I was 19, I testified in front of the EPA. I spoke about my personal experience living on the Barnett Shale where the fracking boom originated, but I also spoke about the looming threat of climate change that weighs on my entire generation. Based on Energy Information Agency data, the…

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101: Understanding the Texas Oil and Gas Pollution Permits

Written by Jack McDonald In Texas, when an extraction company wants to drill an oil well, they usually receive the permit to drill in 24 hours. They are then required to submit a series of additional forms and permits, though there is little in place to ensure that they actually do. This process is split…

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