Witness Blog

Going Back Home

I’ve traveled such a long, long way from home since I left my farm in Wise County Texas. Oil and gas pollution turned an idyllic country life into a nightmare; the industry drove me from my peaceful home. Since then, It's hard for me to feel totally at home anywhere...
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Field Notes: El Paso, Texas September 30, 2023

EL PASO TOXIC TOUR by Miguel Escoto, Oilfield Witness Organizing Director   Oilfield Witness and the community organization Amanecer People’s Project provided a toxic tour of El Paso to a representative from Congressman Ro Khanna’s office. (Republican’s threats to shutdown the government in late September prevented Ro from coming down...
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Field Notes: Arlington, Texas September 11, 2023

Projection on NYC building during Climate Week     North Texas was finally experiencing some slightly cooler weather on September 11th when I drove to Arlington, Texas to meet Liveable Arlington executive director Ranjana Bhandari, and journalists from France. The journalists were there for a story...
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Utilities are a climate battleground

Our movements must win the battlefront of electric utilities to force a prioritization of health and climate--not fossil fuel profits  By Miguel Escoto   Profits Determine Outcome  Big oil companies–the Shell’s, Exxon’s, and Chevron’s of the world–have been rightly identified by the public as villains responsible for the climate crisis....
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