Oilfield Witness

We are methane hunters and movement organizers. We use optical gas imaging technology to expose the dirty secrets of oil and gas. We leverage this intelligence to educate the public and policy makers to strengthen climate movements.


The oil and gas industry has a new strategy to maintain their system of profiting from environmental destruction. They no longer deny that their actions cause climate change. The new strategy is to delay their inevitable end while expanding operations as fast as they can. Publicly they claim to embrace regulations while continuing to pay lobbyists millions to fight regulations and spending $500 to $700 million yearly on PR campaigns. They talk about commitments to net zero, carbon offsets, and technologies to cut methane, and about sucking carbon out of the air. But plans to reduce emissions while expanding operations lack credibility. They continue to fraudulently under-report emissions. Over seventy percent of Americans want action on climate change, but many believe the industry propaganda that “natural gas" is clean and that the methane emission problems can be easily solved. These dangerous lies appeal to some politicians and to corporate interests.


We have the evidence to disprove this dangerous climate delay strategy. Oilfield Witness brings over twenty years of oil and gas expertise combined with Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) evidence to counter the fossil fuel industry’s false narrative and false solutions. Using earned media, advertising, social media and oilfield tours, we help energize community organizations, frontline residents, and other environmental partners. Our evidence of ongoing climate harming pollution in Texas oilfields will help drive a rapid and just transition to clean renewable wind, water and solar energy.

Texas Must Address its Oilfield Air Pollution Problem

By Justin Mikulka | October 21, 2024 |

Earlier this month our team went out on shrimp boats in the Gulf to observe emissions from liquefied natural gas export terminals in Louisiana. While the main concern of the shrimpers is that since the export terminal was built, shrimp catches have fallen dramatically, they also get a front seat to the air pollution. One…

The Texas Oil and Gas Story: Profits Over People and the Planet

By Justin Mikulka | September 29, 2024 |

There were many alarming facts in the recent study “High rates of hydrogen sulfide emissions measured from marginal oil wells near Austin and San Antonio, Texas,” published in Environmental Research Communications. However, all of the problems can be linked back to a fact stated in the study. “We did not see any gas gathering pipelines…

Technical limitations of satellite and regulations in stopping methane.

By Sharon | August 26, 2024 |

Don’t use satellites and regulations as delay tactics Way back when I lived on a farm in Wise County Texas watching fracking pioneer George Mitchell experiment with combining horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing to produce oil and gas from shale, I noticed horrible smells coming from the drilling/fracking sites. I complained about the emissions and…

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