The Cleanup Bill for the Fracking Boom is Already Here

In the world of shale oil and gas production there is a concept known as “the Red Queen effect.” In this 2014 article, it explains that, “The ‘Red Queen’ effect refers to the relatively short lifespan of fracking wells, which tend to reach peak production earlier than conventional wells.” The Red Queen is from Lewis Carroll’s…

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America’s Oil and Gas Export Delusions

LNG tanker being loaded for export

The true hoax of this energy transition is the idea that the U.S. has unlimited oil and gas that is just waiting to be produced as soon as those tree-hugging liberals stop standing in the way. Did you hear that the Republicans have threatened Europe that if they don’t buy more U.S. oil they will…

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American Lung Association Warns of “unseen hazards” of Methane

The American Lung Association just put out a strong statement on the danger of methane noting the unseen hazards of methane and the “cascade of risks” that harm communities.  “As the colder months settle in and we spend more time indoors, it’s crucial to recognize the unseen hazards that methane gas, often called “natural” gas,…

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Our Methane Blindspot

Methane is getting some attention as we also learn new information on the severity of the problem of methane emissions in the oil and gas industry. Unfortunately, despite all of the good intentions (e.g. better monitoring via satellites, oil company promises, etc) methane emissions continue to rise. Sharon Wilson continues to document the root cause…

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Texas Must Address its Oilfield Air Pollution Problem

Earlier this month our team went out on shrimp boats in the Gulf to observe emissions from liquefied natural gas export terminals in Louisiana. While the main concern of the shrimpers is that since the export terminal was built, shrimp catches have fallen dramatically, they also get a front seat to the air pollution. One…

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The Texas Oil and Gas Story: Profits Over People and the Planet

Oilfield Witness

There were many alarming facts in the recent study “High rates of hydrogen sulfide emissions measured from marginal oil wells near Austin and San Antonio, Texas,” published in Environmental Research Communications. However, all of the problems can be linked back to a fact stated in the study. “We did not see any gas gathering pipelines…

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