Unmonitored and Unregulated: How Texas Ignores Oilfield Pollution

Unmonitored and UnregulatedThe facts are clear that the only viable path to addressing methane emissions is strong and courageous intervention from government to rapidly build out clean energy resources while phasing out oil and gas production.

Meanwhile we must protect people’s health. We need more air monitors to keep polluters accountable. We need the Barnett Shale regulations to apply to the rest of the state so all Texans can have improved and equal pollution protections. However, these pollution protections are not sufficient to end the pollution crisis, which will require phasing out oil and gas production.

Download the report.


“This technical report clearly demonstrates the limitations of TCEQ's continuous air stationary monitoring network in the Permian Basin. Texans and affected communities deserve equal protections throughout the state and that is clearly not happening per its own generated monitoring data that is publically available.”

Tim Doty
Former TCEQ air monitoring team leader
TCHD Consulting, LLC
ITC Level III Thermographer


“I appreciate all the work done by Oilfield Witness to bring attention to the critical issue of how the oil and gas industry impacts the health of countless Texans. As legislators, it is our job to ensure our state agencies are fulfilling their obligations to protect our communities by enforcing regulations meant to safeguard Texans. It is clear that our Railroad Commission and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality are not holding the oil and gas industry accountable for the pollution, emissions and spoiling of the land in the Permian Basin and throughout Texas.”

Rep. Vikki Goodwin
TX House District 47

"The Permian Basin is my home, and it is worth protecting. The oil industry not only brought jobs to our community but also health harm and severe oilfield injuries -- including to myself and my father. As this report demonstrates, we deserve the same environmental protections as other parts of the state.”

Ramon Holguin
Organizer, Texas Permian Future Generations

“The lack of regulation by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the reliance on self-monitoring by industries is contributing to the decline in the air quality in Texas. San Patricio county is particularly alarming, it is a major crude oil and LNG exporter and yet it has no state authorized air monitors. It’s crucial for local communities and environmental groups to advocate for stricter air quality regulations and more robust monitoring to ensure the health and wellbeing of residents.”  

Cyndi Valdes
Executive Director
Ingleside on the Bay Coastal Watch Association

"Oilfield Witness highlights how current regulations do not offer all Texans equal protection from the dangers of oil and gas air pollution. The legislature must address this issue by passing legislation to increase air monitoring across the state while also implementing the stricter air pollution regulations currently applied in the Barnett Shale to the whole state of Texas."

Luke Metzger
Executive Director
Environment Texas

"This report shows how backwards our politicians and bureaucrats are when it comes to making their corporate polluter friends follow the rules. Whether you're in Midland or Freeport, benzene is benzene. It makes no sense that our state government would be so unfair to so many Texans by applying rules for polluters in one part of the state while leaving out everyone else. I was born and raised in San Angelo and I say if they're gonna protect West Texans, they must do the same for all Texans, full stop."

Jeffrey Jacoby
Texas Campaign for the Environment